Did you know The Other Room is a registered charity?
By supporting us through donations, sponsorship or volunteering, you are helping The Other Room build a more dynamic and sustainable future; so we can continue to serve the communities of Cardiff and provide a much-needed cultural offering for the whole of Wales.
Take a look at What’s Next to see what you will be supporting.
We know there is never a good time to ask for money, but if you are able, please consider making a donation. We welcome one-off or monthly donations, and there are a range of ways you can donate.
Can’t spare the cash? Why not give your time and energy, help us by spreading the word or volunteering instead.
Would you like to make one-off donation to our capital development project and other charitable actiivty?
If you would like to talk to us about making a major donation, or have any questions please email giving@otherroomtheatre.com.
If you would prefer to make a quick one-off donation via PayPal or by card, click the DONATE HERE.
Want your support to make as much of a difference as possible? Become a SupporTOR.
SupporTOR is our monthly donation scheme. With a small, monthly contribution, of less than the cost of a pint of beer, you will be making a big contribution to the wellbeing of the theatre, our artists, and your community. In doing so, you will be joining the SupporTOR family and your contibution will help us soar to a better future.
Becoming a SupporTOR is easy. Simply follow the link below, tell us who you are and how much you would like to donate and our partners at GoCardless will be in touch to set up the subscription.
Click here for more information and to sign up as a SupporTOR
Altenativly, you can TEXT-TO-DONATE by following these instructions:
To donate £1, text BBZB01 to 70201
To donate £3, text BBZB01 to 70331
To donate £5, text BBZB01 to 70970
To donate £10, text BBZB01 to 70191Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). For Terms & Conditions, see www.easydonate.org
We will happily accept donation via cheque. Make the cheque payable to The Other Room, and post it to:
The Other Room, at Porter’s, Harlech Court, Bute Terrace, Cardiff, CF10 2FE (don’t worry we haven’t moved out just yet).
Please include a return address, email or phone number so that we can send you a note to say thank you.
Can’t spare the cash? Do you regularly shop online? Did you know there is an easy way to fundraise that won’t cost you a penny?
Easy Fundraising is one of the easiest methods for you to regularly donate to The Other Room, at no extra cost to you. Once you're set up, all it takes is one click every time you buy something online. It really is that easy.
Click the link below and follow the simple steps. Easy Fundraising will automatically prompt you whenever you're on one of the 7,000+ online retailers websites who are supported by Easy Fundraising. Retailers supported include eBay, Booking.com, Asos, Argos, USwitch and thousands more...
Click here to sign up for Easy Fundraising and search for ‘The Other Room’.
If you are enjoying using EasyFundraising, maybe tell your friends about this quick and easy method to make a difference without costing you a penny. It's never been easier to pledge your support to us as a charity. Get sharing!